Balance is important in all aspects of your life. Surprisingly enough, this includes Spartanburg tree care!

Watering the right amount is essential to keeping your Spartanburg trees strong and healthy. Both watering too much or too little can be harmful.

If the leaves are brown on the edges and are drooping or wilted, your Spartanburg tree isn’t getting enough water. On the other hand, green leaves that easily break could mean you’re over-watering.

The amount of water your Spartanburg tree needs changes depending on how old it is so ensure you know the perfect amount. Read below to find out how to maintain the balance for all your trees!

How much should I water my young trees?

Young Spartanburg trees need more care and attention for the first 1-2 years. During this time, Spartanburg trees focus on growing their roots, which is why you’ll see little above ground growth. The magic is happening underground!

By providing the Spartanburg tree with enough water, you’re helping grow strong, substantial roots while also promoting stem and leaf growth.

On the flip side, if you don’t water your newly planted Spartanburg tree enough, your Spartanburg tree will develop minimal roots, suffer from canopy dieback and take longer to establish.

To set your new Spartanburg tree up for success, provide 20 gallons of water weekly. The easiest way to do this is to pour a 5-gallon bucket over the drip zone, the part of ground the canopy covers, four times.

Otherwise, leave a sprinkler or hose out anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. To pinpoint exactly how long, place an empty soup can under the tree. Time how long it takes to fill with two inches of water, then water for that long in the future.

How much should I water my mature trees?

The roots of a mature Spartanburg tree have already spread out, so it doesn’t need as much attention! Plan to water mature Spartanburg trees 1-2 times a month.

Based on the amount of rain and heat levels in your region, this may vary. And, it’s always smart to water more often when there is a drought.

To see if your Spartanburg tree needs water, poke a long screwdriver into the dirt—if it’s hard to push in, water.

Try deep root watering to water the Spartanburg tree less often while ensuring it gets the proper amount of water!

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